IRL Name:Jakob
Date of Birth:08-02-91
Where do you live: Denmark.
Character Name: Zizar
Character Race:dwarf
Character Class:paladin
Character Level:80
WoW Armory Link:
Post your current talent build:4/53/14
Why have you spec'ed like this: well this spec is more for like main tanking, but if you want me to im willing to respec and be more like off tanking, with adds and etc.
What spec would you like to play for Afterdawn: Protection.
What do you believe this spec will benefit Afterdawn: well i saw you guys in /trade looking for a tank for some hardcore raiding, and i've been searching for a hardcore raiding guild for some time, and though that this might be my chance
If asked would you respec for the good of Afterdawn: Yeah sure, got dps and healing gear.
Your internet connection? (lags/DCs?): very good. normally with 120MS
Profession 1 & Level: JC 450
Profession 2 & Level: Mining 450
First Aid Level: 450
What's your PAST experience from the other expension:
What's your currently experience from WotLK: well as i started a little before wotlk i didnt raid anything in tbc, but in wotlk i've been in icc10 at Rotface (with festerguy downed) and in icc25 ar Saurfang, totc10hc, been on Anub for like 100 times:D and never went to totc 25 hc.
Previous guilds and why you left them: Used to play on Daggerspine EU, but the guild i was in crashed and many of my freinds played in there and they all changed server, so i just thoguh that i might do the same.
Other Characters (Class, Level and Server):
Can you attend our raid times (see further down this thread): yes
Raid times
(20.00 - 00.00) If you can't raid between those hours, then stop writing an application to us.
Are you able to spend up to 4 hours uninterrupted on raiding:Yes
Are you able to raid a minimum of 2 of these nights: yes-
Raid days:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Do you have ventrilo? if yes, what version: (We use the old version 2.1.4) Yes
Do you have a microphone: Yes
Do you have any friends in the guild, if yes, who: Nope, as said - new on the server.
Why do you want to be in Afterdawn: Because i wanna get some hardcore raiding going and really wanna try to help so we can get some 25man going
Why should we choose you over someone else: Because you guys can count on me, i allways show up when i have signed and because that i know my class very well, allways been tank on this.
Are you able to handle constructive criticism? IN and out of raids: Yes ofc. i love to know what i could do better:)
There is situations in guilds where you haven't got any loot for shit loads of raids, if that would happend to you, how would you react: well i think its fair enough, aslong we're gearing up as a guild thats the best. dosent matter whos the one who gets the loot, (without saying that i wouldnt be happy to get some:P)
Have you read Our Rules: (If no please do to avoid conflicts and other stuffs) Yes.
Do you have any questions to us: Nope.
Tell us a bit about yourself
well im 18 years old, and come from Denmark and i've been playing World of warcraft for like 1,5year now and still enjoying it.
normally im playing football and going in school.