IRL Name: Arne
Date of Birth: 300491
Where do you live: Rogaland, Norway
Character Name: Boomkin
Character Race: Night elf
Character Class: Druid
Character Level: 80
WoW Armory Link: your current talent build: balance 58/0/13
Why have you spec'ed like this: This spec get me high dps
What spec would you like to play for Afterdawn: Balance
What do you believe this spec will benefit Afterdawn: High dps
If asked would you respec for the good of Afterdawn: sure
Your internet connection? (lags/DCs?): My connection works fine
Profession 1 & Level: skinning 450
Profession 2 & Level: jewelcrafting 256
First Aid Level:
What's your PAST experience from the other expension: started right after wotlk
What's your currently experience from WotLK: ToC 10 toc 25 ony 10 and 25, 5 first bosses in icc 25
Previous guilds and why you left them: Odd Company left it because i changed faction
Other Characters (Class, Level and Server):
Can you attend our raid times (see further down this thread): I can do monday and thursday
Raid times
(20.00 - 00.00) If you can't raid between those hours, then stop writing an application to us.
Are you able to spend up to 4 hours uninterrupted on raiding:
Are you able to raid a minimum of 2 of these nights:
Raid days:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Do you have ventrilo? if yes, what version: (We use the old version 2.1.4) i have the newest version
Do you have a microphone: yes
Do you have any friends in the guild, if yes, who: no
Why do you want to be in Afterdawn: Heard much about the guild
Why should we choose you over someone else: because im good geared and got nice dps and im a social person
Are you able to handle constructive criticism? IN and out of raids: ofc
There is situations in guilds where you haven't got any loot for shit loads of raids, if that would happend to you, how would you react: i would keep raidin and hope for better luck
If you wouldn't get invited to a Wednesday raid (farm bosses) How would you react: i will hope that i can come next time
Have you read Our Rules: (If no please do to avoid conflicts and other stuffs)
Do you have any questions to us: not really. i like the guild
Tell us a bit about yourself 19 year old guy.. uses alot of time on wow