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 Fury Warrior [Accepted]

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Fury Warrior [Accepted] Empty
PostSubject: Fury Warrior [Accepted]   Fury Warrior [Accepted] EmptyTue Feb 02, 2010 11:58 am

Application form:

IRL Name: Fotis Ketikoglou
Date of Birth: 19-03-1981
Where do you live: Thessaloniki, Greece

Character Name: Ecthellion
Character Race: Night Elf
Character Class: Warrior
Character Level: 80
WoW Armory Link:

Post your current talent build:
Why have you spec'ed like this:
About my current spec : So rotations are pretty simple, first rule I m based on , it's that WW > BS whenever i would say i start the fight by using blood rage and first ability used will be WW using this simple rule rotation will be WW priority > BS > slam on procs > HS when rage it's 50+ ; ofc bloodrage and bers rage used during fights just to be sure i never get out of rage and lose time to build it for main rotations (ofc ain't that dumb to use bers rage like a moron at a place where it needs to be timed in order to be able to avoid fears and pummel).
Arms (18 points)

Improved Heroic Strike - Rank 3/3 - guess the tooltip speaks by itself (Reduces the cost of your Heroic Strike ability by 3 rage points)
Deflection - Rank 4/5 - picked this for a lil' more survival (not using rend anyway and charge it's useless in berserk stance)
Tactical Mastery - Rank 3/3 - very useful in fights like ignis for example (place where i go prot and even equip shield and shield wall in order to get the slag pot dmg as low as possible)
Impale - Rank 2/2
Deep Wounds - Rank 3/3
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - Rank 3/3 , guess the tooltips are enough to justify my options , ofc i want 20% increase crit dmg , ofc i want bleed and ofc i want 6% more weapon dmg.

Fury (53 points)
Armoured to the Teeth - Rank 3/3 - used in order to get more ap (works with armor pots , so a nice 60ap boost for 2 mins)
Cruelty - Rank 5/5 - 5% crit
Unbridled Wrath - Rank 4/5 – More rage is always a good thing
Improved Cleave - Rank 3/3 - useful though in some fights nice agro dumper when ur high on agro!
Dual Wield Specialization - Rank 5/5
Precision - Rank 3/3 - 3% hit though I think I need to drop some hit
Death Wish - Rank 1/1
Improved Intercept 2/2 I kinda like intercepting mobs that runs around faster
Improved Berserker Rage - Rank 1/2 - for a nice range input in the first seconds of the fight
Flurry - Rank 5/5
Intensify Rage - Rank 3/3
Bloodthirst - Rank 1/1
Improved Whirlwind - Rank 2/2
Improved Berserker Stance - Rank 5/5
Rampage - Rank 1/1
Bloodsurge - Rank 3/3
Unending Fury - Rank 5/5
Titan's Grip - Rank 1/1

my choice for glyphs went for

1.Glyph of Whirlwind : since ww it's the priority for fury warrs it's reduced cd must be the best option.ofc sometimes it will interfere cds with BS , but i'm always using WW primary.
2.Glyph of Heroic Strike : very useful since with 40%+ crit buffed during raids procs almost every time , nice dps boost and makes HS cost almost no-rage
3.Glyph of Bloodthirst : last choice , prefered to Execution Glyph. I like to be healed^^

dont think that minor glyphs have to be mentioned , and prolly the most important of them it's the Glyph of Bloodrage since it reduces the health lost by 100%

Guess that all the talents w/o comments are very common and don’t need any detailed describe
What spec would you like to play for Afterdawn:
Fury the one iam speced for
What do you believe this spec will benefit Afterdawn:
Some nice DPS depending the circumstances of course
If asked would you respec for the good of Afterdawn:
Yes I would

Your internet connection? (lags/DCs?): Very stable

Profession 1 & Level:Mining 450
Profession 2 & Level:Blacksmith 450
First Aid Level:450

What's your PAST experience from the other expension:
Pre TBC Experience: Onyxia’s lair/ MC / BWL / Ahn Qiraj / Naxx
TBC Experience: Karazhan / Gruul’s Lair/ Magtheridon/ Serpentshrine Cavern/ Tempest Keep
What's your currently experience from WotLK:
Everything up to Icecrown citadel, but never steped into the citadel
Previous guilds and why you left them:
I made this warrior when wow launched on StormragePVE server and when I reached 60 me and 2 of my real mate got accepted in Menethil Raiders which was back then the leading guild of alliance side, MR cleared all content(that includes MC/BWL/was 1 of the MT then AQwhere I went to Fury and loved it and Naxxramas ) that was released and when TBC came we reformed the guild with the name Zeal and started progressing again, Heroics to Karazhan to Grull’s lair to SSC and to TK and right before Kael was down I got a new job and my raiding life fall apart . From a hardcore raider with some pvp activities(always liked nice fights^^) I turned to a casual gamer with no suitable time to raid ! But things changed for me in WOTLK and I had time again so I looked for another guild since my old guild had no spot, so I moved to Sylvanas where I joined Uncharted which was progressing (Eye of eternity25 , The Obsidian sanctum25 , Naxx25 ,Vault of Archavon and Ulduar 25 ToC25) fine but because of some personal issues, I wasn't able to follow any more so I stopped the game at 19of september and came back 1 week ago ! So here I am on the lookout of a new guild .

Other Characters (Class, Level and Server):
Sorry no other character besides this toon
Can you attend our raid times (see further down this thread):
Raid times
(20.00 - 00.00)

Are you able to spend up to 4 hours uninterrupted on raiding:
Are you able to raid a minimum of 2 of these nights:
Raid days:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Do you have ventrilo? if yes, what version: (We use the old version 2.1.4) at the moment i dont have it installed but if i get accepted ill adjust it

Do you have a microphone: it is broken but gonna replace soon

Do you have any friends in the guild, if yes, who: no sorry

Why do you want to be in Afterdawn: Well onestly I dont know the guild , I just saw the recruitment on dalaran in game saying that migrated here , so I thought a new guild arrived, a new chance for me to reach my goals

Why should we choose you over someone else:
I’m pretty sure gear it's not up to the current requirements BUT I’m a fully dedicated person. I can provide high attendance and you can be sure I’m never a quitter. Every human fails at one point , but I’m not the type of person that fails too often or fails in the same spot over and over again. Best things i can provide are represented by the power of will and determination and the fact that i want to prove myself i can play this game top-end also , this meaning i'll do my best every time!

Are you able to handle constructive criticism? IN and out of raids:
Yes of course

There is situations in guilds where you haven't got any loot for shit loads of raids, if that would happend to you, how would you react:
Well I was never a lootwhore to be honest and iam not going to change now, loot is there for progression getting replaced all the time. The game I believe has higher goals to achieve instead of running around all day in IF to show off your epix^^

Have you read Our Rules: Yes

Do you have any questions to us: nop

Tell us a bit about yourself :
I live in sunny Greece in the 2nd biggest city which is Thessaloniki, I am 29 years old and I work as a professional cook(chef) some years now. Currently I am working on a very nice restaurant called Pollock bar and I am at the Sushi bar of the place! I have a buddy all day long on my feet if I am not working, a white chow chow doggy and a ducati1100s hypermotard waiting me every day to ride to work! Computer games r a hobby which I enjoy the most and I started playing them when I was around 10 on commodore 64 my brothers pc, but I got addicted from warcraft series & on wow like never before from the very 1st day and here am I still.
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Guild Master

Posts : 105
Join date : 2009-09-10
Age : 36
Location : Sweden

Fury Warrior [Accepted] Empty
PostSubject: ..........   Fury Warrior [Accepted] EmptyTue Feb 02, 2010 12:18 pm

Hey there! Probably the best application i've seen so far. Thumbs up!

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Fury Warrior [Accepted]
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