IRL Name: Romeo
Date of Birth: 09/05/1987 – Europe day stole my thunder
Where do you live: Romania
Character Name: Clingling
Character Race: Human
Character Class: Paladin
Character Level: 80
WoW Armory Link: ( your current talent build: Holy 51/20/0
Why have you spec'ed like this:
The points in the holy talent tree are straight forward, direct healing improvement. The only thing to be discussed here I think is improved wisdom, which I use it to compensate my gears replenishment in 5mans for now. If there would be another paladin in the guild’s composition and doesn’t mind having those I would gladly spec 1 more point in lay on hands and the other one in blessed hands to improve those spells even if just marginally. About the talent points in the protection tree I took them to reach divine guardian and divine sacrifice (which will be macroed to activate - deactivate, giving a 6 sec 20% dmg reduction. Stoicism and that 1 point in toughness was mostly taken to reach the talents named above. Improved devotion aura would also be replaced with talents in the holy tree, if we have another prot/holy pala in our raids who is willing to spec them instead of me. (for the missing point in blessed hands, and purifying power or improved concentration aura)
The other idea would be a crit spec with talents in retribution tree instead of protection. Can’t say I tried it, as this is a fresh char I want to reroll, but so far the extra direct healing from protection talents and the CDs worked quite well.
What spec would you like to play for Afterdawn:
Well, basically the holy spec :-s. I am willing to respect variations of the spec named above if it will benefit the patch, or blizzard has a different opinions about paladins and bufs/nerfs certain talents.
What do you believe this spec will benefit Afterdawn:
I think that paladins can be viable tank healers, and can also help topping raid in some circumstances. (for example fights that require 1 tank only). As for particular talent points the spec brings, are in part discussed above (the talents in the protection tree), bubbles, improved wisdom, 10% damage mitigation on tank from improved lay on hands, an extra judgment on the boss (hopefully I can keep it up).
If asked would you respec for the good of Afterdawn:
I have dual spec bought even though this is a new server for me
I would have no problem respeccing, but to be honest I might be need some training with it, as I’m only confident in my healing atm. So my answer would be that I have no problem respecting and trying to gear up and enchant a second spec (I know most of the guilds encourage ppl to have 2 specs) but I can’t say I can play both specs at my main specs potential. On my shaman I could play both elemental and resto at acceptable level (acceptable from my standards pov :-s) – so I guess, and hope that in time I would be able to play both holy and another spec acceptable on this toon.
Your internet connection? (lags/DCs?): I have a stable connection, I rarely DC and if my internet crushes, the internet providers have their HQ in my building, so I’m kinda close to the server
Profession 1 & Level: Inscription 402 – just ran as fast as I could after the shoulder enchant, until I’ll get sons of hodir rep. After that I’ll take a more flexible profession – like alchemy, JC, BS.
Profession 2 & Level: Herbalism 450 – to aid inscription – I will have to give this up soon, as it brings no direct improvement to the char.
First Aid Level: holy shock?! No first aid lvl yet
What's your currently experience from WotLK:
Previous guilds and why you left them:
Other Characters (Class, Level and Server):
What's your PAST experience from the other expension:
Untill a month and half ago or so I played a Shaman Grimsatyr on Bladefist.
My first guild worth mentioning was Extinction in tbc (I had 1 kara guild before but with Extinction I started 25mans from Magtheridon upwords, practically skipping Gruul progression) – finished all up to Ilidan (including archimonde) before 3.0 nerf patch came out, then guild disbanded during summer. I played resto back then. When wotlk came out some of the old members (about 7-
formed a new guild named Deadfist (our realm was practically dead, thus the name) with which I stayed until I decided to reroll.
On the shaman I killed all the bosses on normal (at their time) up to icc 4/4. Managed to get realm first on sartharion. I did sarth 3d in 10/25man, horde first before 3.1 – thus obtaining the plagued proto -> this was the best thing I done in game; hours and hours of wipes, but for a good cause
, missed immortal due to a guildie disconnecting at saphiron (those moments you never forget to bad he was an irl as well I get to blame him even if he stopped playing
) . Ulduar 10man hard modes all of them before 3.2 came out (including firefighter) but no algalon. Actually no algalon at all
was kinda hard to convince ppl to join 10man wipes after the summer. (when the guild managed to get the kill, but due to irl problems couldn’t make it online – nvm that). In 25man ulduar we did yogg realm first, and a few hard modes – leviathan, XT, freya +1, hodir before the totc patch and IC (steelbreaker last) and thorim before anub opened.
Sometimes after the ulduar normal progression I’ve been made officer.
In totgc10 I got tribute to mad skill in our progress days there and insanity a few days before I considered the reroll… but the insanity thing was just a formality at that time, as we outgeared the instance.
In totgc 25 we did 3 encounters. Except totgc, on farm raids, I played both resto and elemental, in totgc and on progression I played only resto.
About a few weeks after we downed faction champions my friends started leaving the game, the GM announced he was quitting too so I went pvp-ing on the shaman (just reached 1850 in 3v3) then all the friends I still had quitted as well (the pvp partners were players from Extinction).
In parallel I played a druid at lvl 70 as feral tank. A DK in patch 3.0 when they were cool. And a warlock recently. All this char with an alt status i.e. about 3 instances a week
) didn’t really have time to play them :-s.
Soz for the wall of text :-s.
Can you attend our raid times (see further down this thread):
Yes I can, I’m a student and I can schedule my time accordingly.
Raid times
(20.00 - 00.00) If you can't raid between those hours, then stop writing an application to us.
Are you able to spend up to 4 hours uninterrupted on raiding: Yes I can, I did it before
Are you able to raid a minimum of 2 of these nights: Yes
Raid days:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Do you have ventrilo? if yes, what version: (We use the old version 2.1.4)
We used 3.smth , but I have no trouble installing this version
Do you have a microphone: Yes, it’s a bit noisy, but yes. Also I kinda need to buy a new one. So that would still count as a yes. I don’t really talk on vent in raids, only when I have to announce something, that can’t be written. (like “OMG bubble me!” j/k).
Do you have any friends in the guild, if yes, who: no, only friend on this server is my gf.
Why do you want to be in Afterdawn: I’m looking for a stable guild, that might use my class and gimme a chance.
Why should we choose you over someone else: I consider I have a decent baggage of experience in both game encounters and stressful situations, like wiping with no visible progress to the encounter.
Are you able to handle constructive criticism? IN and out of raids: I’m always opened for improvement, so yes
There is situations in guilds where you haven't got any loot for shit loads of raids, if that would happend to you, how would you react: I’m ok with it, I’m not a fan of socialism :-s. I also understand the idea of officers deciding loot if that will or is implied. I play to improve myself not my gear :-s I didn’t even have that gs score installed until I got on Sylvanas. I’m the one playing, not my gear, and in the end I get an improvement even if my gear doesn’t
Have you read Our Rules: (If no please do to avoid conflicts and other stuffs) yep
Do you have any questions to us: you only care about us (the applicants) at the end?
Tell us a bit about yourself:
As I stated earlier this is a reroll and I hope by the time I get an answer on the application I would decently improve my chars items by the possible ways I have – heroics, so I would do decently in your raids.
I’m a student at the technical university of cluj napoca, currently in an exam session, got the final exam on Sunday (Romanians make us take exams on Sundays!).
I guess I would add more about me to the guilds members if I get a positive answer
don’t wanna bore you.
Also my unnenchanted pieces, or poorly gemmed, are the pieces I consider I will change in the following 2-3 days.
Soz again for the wall of text
good bye.